On-site event
Middlesex and Hertfordshire
The Middlesex and Hertfordshire Branch is made up of six Sections - Brent and Harrow Section, Ealing, Acton and Chiswick Section, Enfield and District Section, Hounslow and Twickenham Section, North Hertfordshire Section, and Watford and District Section.
The Middlesex and Hertfordshire Branch supports the local community of dentists by holding regular educational and social events. Members and non-members from other areas are welcome to meetings. Members are contacted by email regarding meetings, if you are not receiving meeting details, please contact the Local Services Team. You are also welcome to join the Middlesex and Hertfordshire Facebook group.
Upcoming events
Branch Chair
Mike De Nooijer
Branch Secretary
Marion English

Branch Treasurer
Marc Friedmann

Brent and Harrow
Chair: Sulaman Anwar
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Radhika Chopra
Enfield and District
Chair: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
North Herfordshire
Chair: Mike de Nooijer
Secretary: Marion English
Treasurer: Louise Conway
Hounslow and Twickenham Section
Chair: Vacant
Secretary: Ronit Patel
Treasurer: Vacant
Watford and District Section
Chair: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
Young Dentist
Chair: Vacant
Secretary: Nidhi Parmar
Treasurer: Krupesh Patel
Available roles
The Middlesex and Hertfordshire Branch are currently looking to fill the following roles, if you are interested in a role or restarting an inactive Section contact us.