On-site event
North Western
The North Western Branch covers Lancashire and parts of Cumbria and is made up of four Sections - Furness and South Cumbria Section, Fylde Section, Lancaster and Morecambe Section and Ribble Section.
The North Western Branch supports the local community of dentists by holding regular educational and social events. Members, non-member dentists and DCPs from other areas are welcome to meetings. Members are contacted by email regarding meetings, if you are not receiving meeting details, please contact the Local Services Team. You are also welcome to join the North Western Branch Facebook group.
Upcoming events
Branch President
Shalini Kanagasingam

Branch Secretary
Mark Collinson
Branch Treasurer
Sheila Cromie
Furness and South Cumbria
Chair/Secretary: John Edwards
Treasurer: Vacant
Chair: Andrew Robinson
Secretary: Nadia Kanoun
Treasurer: Mark Collinson
Lancaster and Morecambe
Chair: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
Chair: Shalini Kanagasingam
Secretary: Nargis Sonde
Treasurer: Kate Taylor
Available roles
The North Western Branch are currently looking to fill the following roles.