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The South Mercia Branch is made up of six Sections - the Aylesbury, High Wycombe, Milton Keynes, Northampton, Oxford, and Reading and Windsor Sections.

The South Mercia Branch supports the local community of dentists by holding regular educational and social events. Members, non-member dentists and DCPs from other areas are welcome to attend meetings, however there is usually a preferential rate for members. Members are contacted by email regarding meetings, if you are not receiving meeting details, please contact the Local Services Team. You are also welcome to join the South Mercia Branch Facebook group

Branch Treasurer

Craig Harper


High Wycombe

Chair: Rahul Goria

Joint Secretary: Nicky Worthington

Joint Secretary: Pritesh Raval

Treasurer: Sanjeev Kutty

Milton Keynes

Chair: Sunil Hirani

Secretary: Mital Patel

Treasurer: Mitesh Patel


Chair: Jane Lelean

Attendee Secretary: Rebecca Smith

Speaker Secretary: Gaby Webb

Treasurer: Alfie Chan

Reading and Windsor

Chair: Jas Roopra

Secretary: Craig Harper 

Treasurer: Vikram Chugani

Available roles

The South Mercia Branch are currently looking to fill the following roles, if you are interested in a role or helping to regenerate an inactive Section contact us.