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BDSA 2025 Group Photo1260x545
BDSA Co-President 2024-2025

Youssef El-Wahab

The BDSA President oversees the activities of the executive committee, and is Vice Chair of the BDA Student Committee and EDSA National Delegate.
Youssef BDSA Resized
BDSA Co-President 2024-2025

Leena Soltan

The BDSA President oversees the activities of the executive committee and is Vice Chair of the BDA Student Committee. Leena is also the UK delegate of the EDSA Committee.
Leena Soltan Conference Organiser650x433
BDSA Immediate Past President 2024-2025

Afra Rahim

Responsible for overseeing continuity of the BDSA Executive Committee.
Afra Rahim BDSA Immediate Past President630x433
BDSA General Secretary 2024-2025

Chloe Leung

Manages the BDSA finances and meeting administration.
Chloe Bdsa650x433
BDSA Treasurer 2024-2025

Abigail Cheong

Manages the BDSA finances and meeting administration.
Abigail Cheong BDSA Treasurer650x433
BDSA Communications Officer 2024-2025

Emma Ross

Responsible for all BDSA communications, including social media and BDJ Student articles.
Emma Anne Ross Bdsa
BDSA Conference Organiser 2024-2025

Parsa Sabet

Responsible for organising the BDSA annual conference.
Parsa Sabet BDSA Conference Organiser650x433
Zoravar Singh Thind

Sports Day Organiser

Organises the annual BDSA Sports Day.
Zoravar Bdsajpg

Messages from the BDSA Executive Committee members:


To run for the position of BDSA President, Communications Officer or Treasurer/Secretary, students must have previously been a BDA Representative. All other Executive Committee positions are open to any UK dental student.

For more information about the roles and how to apply, download the BDSA Executive Committee role descriptions:

Local BDA Representatives

In addition to the Executive Committee, each UK dental school has two BDA Student Representatives: a Junior and a Senior. They are known as BDA reps. 

The reps are elected in a variety of ways depending on individual dental schools. Normally the position is available at annual Dental Society elections with reps holding office for two years; initially classed as Junior, then progressing to Senior.
Roles of the local BDA representatives:​

  • Act as the BDA and BDSA school student contact
  • Canvas opinions on matters discussed at BDA Student Committee and BDSA meetings
  • Publicise BDA and BDSA events
  • Approach the BDSA Executive about matters of student concern
  • Promote BDA membership.

BDA reps attend BDA Student Committee meetings and BDSA meetings twice a year in London (expenses paid). These reps have two roles, first to sit on the BDA Student Committee and carry out political work, and secondly to work as your BDSA rep to help arrange your national social events.

For more information about the roles and how to apply, download the BDA Representative role description.

Non-executive roles