Meet the President
The President of the British Dental Association is our most senior member, elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.

The President does not undertake an executive role but represents the BDA at appropriate meetings and events in the UK and overseas. The President also offers counsel through attendance at meetings of the board.
The current president of the BDA is Richard Graham.
Richard Graham
Richard Graham qualified BDS from Queen’s University Belfast in 1984 and spent the whole of his career, in General Dental Practice, in County Tyrone and retired from Clinical Practice in 2020.
Richard has represented his colleagues at both Local and National Level and is President-Elect for the BDA in 2024 when he will become the seventh National BDA President from the Northern Ireland Branch which celebrated its Centenary in 2023. To celebrate this event Richard wrote a History of the Northern Ireland Branch the profits from which will go to support the Benevolent Fund.