- How does the NHS contract uplift work?
- Understanding UDA rates
- Average associate UDA rates
- Practice UDA values
- Doing the maths
- Starting the conversation
- Communication style
- Haggling
- Put it in writing
- Wrapping things up
Each year, the Government has a process for deciding on pay uplifts for NHS dentistry, called the Doctors and Dentists Review Body. Due to the structure of NHS contracts in England, that annual pay uplift is not directly passed on to associates. The uplift, which is to cover both dentists’ pay and the costs of running the practice, is applied to the contract value. As self-employed people, effectively working as sub-contractors to the NHS contract, if you also want an increase, you will need to renegotiate your payments for NHS work with the practice.
A negotiation is most likely to be successful when it is underpinned by a strong knowledge of the relevant information and even stronger communication between the two parties. It is important that you know how to effectively pitch your pay proposal, both in style and in substance.