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Business finances overview

Business and financial objectives go hand in hand; it will be your business activities that result in your business income and expenditure. This advice provides a background to the different tasks you need to consider in managing the financial aspects of your dental practice.

Financial management

A background to the different tasks you need to consider in managing the financial aspects of your dental practice.

More about Financial management
Exclusively for BDA members

National insurance and employment allowance calculator

Our national insurance and employment allowance calculator is designed to help you estimate how Budget changes may impact your practice. Simply enter your practice details for a personalised estimate of the changes to your national insurance costs. This tool is only available to BDA members, so you will need to be signed in to download it.
NI Calculator Web Appetiser V2 630X433
Exclusively available to members

Patient payment plan

A dental healthcare plan is a great way to generate a regular income for your practice and provide added value for your patients. Lloyd & Whyte offers preferential rates to members.
Lloyd And Whyte Flexiplan Logo 650X450