Overview: Protecting what matters most
Financial resilience is the ability to recover quickly from an unexpected financial shock. Many dentists insure their homes and cars without really thinking about it, but far fewer insure their lives and incomes. Savings can and do help in the short term. But what happens when they run out? Or if an illness goes on for three, six, or even 12 months? What then?
The uncertainty that new government policies bring, together with the continuing cost-of-living crisis, has focused many dentist’s minds on the need for a rainy day fund and financial protection. Increasing numbers of dentists are seeking advice around financial protection. While nothing can ease the emotional distress of rising prices, creating your own safety net can lessen their financial impact. Life and health insurance protection underpins most financial planning. These types of insurance can ensure that, should you or your family need it, the right amount of money will reach the right hands at the right time.
Please note that all scenarios and examples included in this guide are fictitious.