Expert templates, checklists and audits
A one-stop-shop for our Expert members
In this section - available to Expert members only - we provide the audits, checklists, and templates you need to comply with national standards, allowing you to safeguard against overlooking any important steps while managing a busy dental practice. Please note that the documents listed below are also available for download on their corresponding advice pages.
If you need further support, Expert members also have access to unlimited one-to-one advice via phone or email from our experienced advisors.
Not an Expert member yet? Please contact us on 020 7563 4550 to discuss your join or upgrade options.
Download: Click on the template to download it. Please note that you need to be logged in and an Expert member to be able to do so. The way you organise them will be unique to you, which is why we’ve listed ours in alphabetical order.
Read: Read it from start to finish to see if there are amendments you want to make specific to your practice. The customisable fields are shown in red italics. Call our advisers to discuss your situation and we’ll help you develop the policy to safeguard your business.
Personalise: Add in your practice’s information, and the details of staff responsible. Add the date to the document.
Share: Let your colleagues see it and discuss it at a team meeting. Talking about changes needed to implement the policy, or responsibilities team members have within it is the best way to get it adopted.
Implement: This isn’t just filing the policy as a reference document for a national standards inspection, it’s ensuring everyone knows the processes involved, the actions to be taken and when it needs reviewing.
Review: Make a date to review the policy to ensure it is still fit-for-purpose.
Latest updates
January 2025
Amalgam use and disposal protocol (updated to reflect changes to NI regulation)
December 2024
Staff survey - preventative measures against sexual harassment
Zero tolerance of harassment by patients - policy poster
October 2024
Sexual harassment risk assessment form
September 2024
Audits and checklists
Disability access audit
GDPR access to information
GDPR information
Healthcare waste audit (pre-acceptance)
Infection control audit
Oral cancer audit
Patient waiting times
Radiograph quality audit
Radiograph quality audit FAQs
Record keeping
Respiratory protective equipment - monthly maintenance checks
Supplier contracts
Best practice HTM01-05
COSHH controls
DSE risk assessment
Essential standards
Guide to completing the NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT)
Health and safety
Lone worker risk assessment - staff
Lone worker risk assessment - contractors
Radiation protection
Recruiting and employing staff
Risk assessment
Expert templates
Access to information held by the practice
Accessible information policy
Adoption leave and pay policy
Amalgam use and disposal protocol
Annual leave policy and form
Associate-performer information
Associate-performer reference request
Associate ortho contract - NHS and mixed - England and Wales
Associate contract - Northern Ireland
Associate contract - Scotland
Associate contract - Private only within a mixed practice - Scotland
To download the following template contracts, please first watch the course Understanding associate agreements in the CPD hub.
- Associate contract - NHS and mixed - England (Traditional)
- Associate contract - NHS and mixed - England (Worker)
- Associate contract Private - UK (Traditional/Worker)
The course explains the agreements - how to complete them and importance of choosing the correct commercial contract.
Side agreement contract for Associates
2022-23 contract year (Wales)
Associate contract - contract reform model - Wales
Associate contract - side agreement (for contract reform model) - Wales
Associate contract - UDA only - Wales
Carers leave policy
Carer's leave template letters
Cashflow forecast template
CCTV use
Chairside hours calculation
Chairside hours worksheet
Chaperone policy
Cleaning schedule - frequency after touch
Cleaning schedule - frequency after clinical procedure
Cleaning schedule - frequency session
Cleaning schedule - frequency daily
Cleaning schedule - frequency weekly
Cleaning schedule - frequency fortnightly
Cleaning schedule - frequency monthly
Cleaning schedule - frequency bi-monthly
Cleaning schedule - frequency annual
Cleaning schedule - frequency every two years
Cleaning schedule - frequency every three years
Commitment to patients and appointments policy
Commitment to staff policy
Complaint letter - faulty equipment
Complaints - code of practice for patients
Complaints handling policy (E-W-NI)
Complaints letters - NHS (E-W-NI)
Complaints letters - NHS Scotland
Complaints letters - private
Complaints record
Complaints report (E-W)
Confidentiality policy
Consent form - photographs
Consent form - sedation
Consent form - treatment
Consent policy
Data protection processor agreement
Data protection processor agreement - associates
Data protection processor agreement - notes for use
Data protection privacy notice - associates
Data protection privacy notice - employees
Data protection privacy notice - patients
Data security policy - practice
Debt recovery letters
Decontaminating laboratory items
Direct access - patient leaflet
Direct access policy
Disciplinary procedure (England, Scotland, and Wales)
Disciplinary procedure (Northern Ireland)
Disciplinary procedure letters
Disciplinary record
Duty of Candour/Adverse incidents protocol
Duty of Candour - annual report (Scotland)
Electronic communications - patient notice and consent
Email and internet use policy
Emergency leave policy
Employed dentists - code of practice
Employee maternity leave plan
Employment contract
Employment contract variation - letters
Environmental policy statement
Equal opportunities policy for staff
Equality and diversity policy for patients
Exit interview questions
Induction programme
Infection control annual statement - England
Infection control policy
Information asset register
Inoculation injuries policy
In-practice capitation scheme agreement
In-practice capitation scheme application form
In-practice capitation scheme direct debit mandate
In-practice capitation scheme leaflet
Latex policy
Legionella - risk assessment (SDCEP)
Locum-Associate contract - HSCNI and mixed - NI
Locum-Associate contract - NHS and mixed - England and Wales
Locum-Associate contract - NHS and mixed - Scotland
Locum-Associate contract - ortho - England and Wales
Locum-Associate contract - private practice
Lone worker policy
Partnership agreement
Patient appointments policy
Patient group direction
Patient letter - missed appointment
Patient questionnaire
Payment - bill and instalments
Personal development plan (PDP) example
Pension auto-enrolment - staff letter
People with significant control register
Performance appraisals
Practice closure - patient notification
Practice closure - safe storage and retrieval of records
Practice information leaflet
Practice meetings - agenda and notes
Practice newsletters
Practice sales and TUPE letters
Pre-employment checks
Prescribing and dispensing policy
Prescriptions for private patients
Radiation - PHE/FGDP Guidance Notes for Dental Practitioners on the Safe Use of X-ray Equipment (2nd Edition, contains all required example templates)
Records management and data quality policy
Recruitment monitoring form
Recruitment policy
Redundancy letters
Redundancy policy
Reference request
Referral letters
Referral protocol
Referral to hygienist
Risk assessment - dental practice
Risk assessment - hepatitis B non-responder
Risk assessment - pregnant and nursing mothers
Risk assessment - work experience student
Risk assessment - trainee nurse
Safeguarding policy - England
Safeguarding policy - Northern Ireland
Safeguarding policy - Scotland
Safeguarding policy - Wales
Safer sharps - protocol and risk assessment for non-use
Sedation - information for patients
Sedation - practice policy
Sexual harassment risk assessment form
Sickness absence (long term) letters
Sickness absence (short term) letters
Sickness and injury absence policy
Sickness self-certification form
Staff satisfaction surveys
Staff survey - preventative measures against sexual harassment
Stress policy
Financial healthcheck tool
To help you, we’ve teamed up with our partner Lloyd & Whyte to put together a Financial Healthcheck tool - asking you a series of questions to give you an advice based report.