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Managing and informing patients overview

Communication is often the reason for a patient's complaint. Being proactive about providing information and ensuring the whole team is aware of policies and protocols can mitigate the likelihood of complaints.

Complaints handling

This advice will help you develop a practice protocol for receiving and managing complaints within agreed timescales and, where relevant, complying with NHS requirements.

More about Complaints handling

Patient leaflets

Members can download patient information leaflets to make available in surgeries or waiting rooms.

More about Patient leaflets

Managing abusive patients

Abusive behaviour from patients is an increasing concern for dental professionals. While there are differences in managing NHS and private patients, as well as variations across the UK nations, a fundamental principle remains: no member of the dental team should be subjected to abuse.

More about Managing abusive patients
Free for members and Good Practice Scheme practices

Introduction to learning disabilities and autism

This short course provides an insight into the needs of people with learning disabilities and autism, and suggests ways your team can make your practice more welcoming and reassuring.