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Fee collection

This advice provides a general introduction to collecting patient fees and developing in-house systems, including expert templates.


Ensuring the prompt collection of fees is crucial to maintaining cash flow and keeping your business operational. You must

  • Be clear with patients about the fees they need to pay and when
  • Make it easy for them to pay
  • If you offer credit, check if you need authorisation,
  • Follow up late payments promptly but consider how you pursue them
    and how far.

The Expert templates provided at the bottom of the page will help you develop in-house systems for collecting money from patients and pursuing outstanding accounts.

Key learning points

This advice provides a general introduction to collecting patient fees and developing in-house systems, including:

  • How to ensure that patients receive up-to-date information about your fees and the payment methods that you accept
  • Methods for reducing outstanding payments and keep the amount owed to a minimum
  • Keeping patients informed of the cost implications when treatment plans are changed
  • The rules around accepting payments in instalments and offering credit
  • Ensuring safe methods of payment.
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