Friday 3 October 2025
08:45 Registration, refreshments and exhibition
09:15 Welcome
09:30 Minimum Intervention Oral Care (MIOC) - The contemporary approach to managing dental caries in primary care
This lecture will outline and discuss the minimum intervention oral care delivery framework that should be used as best clinical practise in dental caries management in primary care.
Learning objectives
• Outline the minimum intervention oral care delivery framework
• Discuss the four interlinked clinical domains of the person-focused, susceptibility-related, team-delivered and prevention-based MIOC framework
• Outline the use of the oral healthcare team workforce to deliver such care to our patients.
Learning content
A lecture with the opportunity to ask the speaker questions at the end.
Avijit Banerjee, Professor of Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences (FoDOCS), King’s College London and Consultant and Clinical Lead, Restorative Dentistry, Guy’s & St. Thomas’ Hospitals Foundation Trust, London,
10:30 Poster competition presentation
10:45 Refreshments, exhibition and poster display
11:15 Can you eat or run your way out of periodontitis?
After this presentation you should be able to initiate brief behavioural interventions to promote periodontal health through nutrition and physical activity.
Learning objectives
• Understand the importance of physical activity on health including periodontal health
• Describe the contribution of nutrition to general and periodontal health
• Understand how to incorporate brief interventions for nutrition and physical activity into daily encounters.
Learning content
A lecture with the opportunity to ask the speaker questions at the end.
Development outcome
Ian Needleman, Professor of Periodontology and Evidence-Informed Healthcare, University College London, Eastman Dental Institute
12:15 AGM - All BDA members welcome
12:30 Lunch, exhibition and poster display (or 12:15 for non-members)
Raffle prize winners on display
13:30 Prevention in older adults
Following this presentation delegates should know the following:
• The changing patterns in oral health amongst older adults
• The challenges of preventing and managing caries in older adults
• The options available for replacing missing natural teeth in older adults.
Learning objectives
• Learn how to work with your patients to plan appropriate preventative regimes
• Use evidence-based approaches to manage caries in partially dentate older adults
• Consider the most appropriate tooth replacement options for older adults.
Learning content
During this lecture, Gerry will discuss prevention of chronic oral diseases in older adults.
Development outcome
Gerry McKenna, Chair of Oral Health Services Research and Gerodontology/Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Queens University Belfast
14:30 To be confirmed
15:00 Refreshments, exhibition and poster display
15:30 To be confirmed
16:30 Close