The board (PEC) and leadership
The board is the decision making body. It is the statutory board of directors for the purposes of company law, and the Principal Executive Committee (PEC) for the purposes of trade union law (unusually, but in common with organisations such as the British Medical Association, the BDA is both a company and a trade union).
The board agrees the strategy, policy and business operational plans for the Association, and holds the Chief Executive and his staff to account for their implementation.
The board receives advice and opinion from committees to help it in its role, and these are either focussed on constituent parts of the profession (the elected committees such as the General Dental Practice Committee) or subject areas (advisory committees directly appointed by the board with a specific remit, such as the Health and Science Committee). The views of members are represented by the country councils, and the craft committees. The BDA President also offers counsel through attendance at meetings of the board.
The boundaries for the seats are determined by postal district. Some postal districts cross national boundaries and therefore need to be more specifically differentiated.
The board is made up of 15 members:
- nine members elected from English regions
- one member elected from Northern Ireland
- one member elected from Scotland
- one member elected from Wales
- three members elected on a UK wide basis
Board (PEC) elections
Each member serves for three years, but the three year terms are staggered so that a different cohort of five members is subject to re-election each year. Each yearly cohort must contain a member elected UK wide and one member elected from one of the countries of the UK outside England.
Meet the board
Eddie Crouch

Deputy Chair
Peter Crooks

Mick Armstrong

Victor Chan

Shawn Charlwood

Laura Cross

John Edwards

Lauren Harrhy

Sushil John

Alison Lockyer

Nigel Jones

Nick Marshall

Jonathan Mynors-Wallis

Nilesh Patel

Jason Stokes