08:45 Registration, refreshments and exhibition
09:15 Introduction, Valedictory address and Installation of President
09:30 Welcome to Belfast
09.45 To be confirmed
10:45 Refreshments, exhibition and poster display
11:00 Childhood neglect - Improving outcomes
Session details to follow
Fiona Corbett, Social Worker, Social Work and Social Care Learning and Improvement Team, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
11:45 To be confirmed
12:45 Lunch, exhibition and poster display
13:45 Are you skiving?
Prevention and oral health promotion may not be ‘sexy dentistry’ but this session will underscore prevention and promoting oral health over the life course. It will be a journey of opportunities and challenge you to reflect on your role in preventing disease and promoting oral health. What applies to all, what is specific for age/individual needs where oral health is viewed as a journey, not a destination.
Learning objectives
• Identify evidence-based prevention across the life course
• Discuss the role of ‘packaging’ advice and/or actions to improve oral health
• Organise preventive ‘packages’ for age and individual needs
• Describe key players to deliver better oral health across the life course.
Learning content
This presentation and interactive session will provide delegates with knowledge and resources to integrate prevention and oral health promotion into daily practice.
Development outcomes
A, B, C, D
Leigh Hunter, Oral Health Coach and Founder of GrowingSmiles.co.uk
14:45 Evolution within paediatric CDS from the anaesthetic perspective
Session details to follow
Conor Lamb, Consultant Anaesthetist, Ulster Hospital, South Eastern Health Trust
15:30 Save the date – CDS conference 2026
15.45 Refreshments, exhibition and poster display
16:15 Pensions
To increase knowledge of pension saving in the UK, with a focus on the NHS/HSC Pension Scheme.
Learning objectives
• Familiarise yourself with the different types of pension available, and have a broad understanding of where the NHS/HSC Pension fits in
• Appreciate the differences between personal pensions and NHS/HSC Pension
• Gain an understanding of the basic operation of the NHS/HSC Pension Scheme and how to get further personalised information
• Be aware of how the tax regime interacts with pension savings.
Learning content
This lecture will help attendees feel more confident in their knowledge of their NHS/HSC Pension and retirement planning more generally.
Development outcome
Phil McEvoy, Head of Pensions, British Dental Association
17:00 Close