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IN-PERSON EVENT, hosted by the Central Counties Branch

What to expect​

Join the Central Counties Branch for their study day on Saturday 8 March 2025 at the Hyatt Regency Birmingham from 08:30 to 17:00.

The study day theme is 'Dental dilemmas: Clinical and regulatory perspective'. This study day provides a great platform for dentists across all sectors and positions to connect, communicate and learn from each other, sharing knowledge, and more importantly, a start of a platform to support each other during difficult times.

Topics include: 

  • What does your indemnity society do for you? 
  • Regulation of the dental profession and the role of the BDA
  • Improving the Fitness to Practice process for everyone
  • Treatment planning for complex restorative cases
  • Pick and mix - Mixed dentition problems
  • Update on the management of adult dental trauma - How to avoid complaints.


08:30 Registration, refreshments and exhibition

12:30 Lunch

17:00 Summary and close

Please find the programme below under 'More information'.

How to book

To book to attend the study day only please use this web page.

To book the study day and dinner at the combined rate, or the dinner only please use the links below:

Study day and dinner

Dinner only

Meet the speakers

Eddie Crouch 250X250 Eddie Crouch Chair, BDA Board
Karun Dewan 250X250 (1) Karun Dewan Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Birmingham Dental Hospital
Naveen Karir 250X250 Naveen Karir Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Birmingham Dental Hospital
Graham Stokes 250X250 Graham Stokes Non-Executive Director, Medical Protection Society; Board member, Dental Protection
Sheena Kotecha 250 Sheena Kotecha Consultant Orthodontist
Theresa Thorp 197X197 Theresa Thorp Executive Director, Regulation, GDC

More information

Thank you all for supporting the British Dental Association in our joint vision to support all dental professionals in the U.K. After hosting very successful section events in the past year, and in light of growing concerns and anxieties amongst professionals towards increasing dental complaints and litigation on a daily basis; it gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all to our annual event organised by BDA’s Central Counties Branch.

The study day theme is “
Dental dilemmas: Clinical and regulatory perspective”. This study event provides a great platform for dentists across all sectors and positions (primary and secondary care, GDPs, FDs, and hospital trainees) to connect, communicate and learn from each other, sharing knowledge, and more importantly, a start of a platform to support each other during difficult times.

Our aim is to deliver a very high-quality study event with a common motive of CONNECTION and SUPPORT.

I believe this 1-day study day will be beneficial from a learning point of view as well as networking, with various experts in the field of managing complaints sharing their personal insight into dental litigation and the GDC perspective.

A special thanks to our wonderful executive committee of BDA CCB, speakers, sponsors and of course delegates, who have taken their time to be a part of this great event.

I am delighted to meet you all in Birmingham!

Kindest Regards
Mr Karun Dewan
BDA Central Counties Branch President

08:30 Registration, refreshments and exhibition

09:00 What does your indemnity society do for you? – Graham Stokes


The delegate will have gained a better understanding of the role of an indemnity organisation in their professional lives.

Learning objectives 

  • Understand what is meant by indemnity
  • Discuss the role of an indemnity organisation in our professional lives
  • Explain the difference between occurrence based and claims made cover
  • Assist dentists in deciding on their choice of provider.

Learning content

A lecture with an opportunity to ask questions to the speaker at the end.

Development outcomes: A, D

10:00 Morning break

10:30 Regulation of the dental profession and the role of the BDA – Eddie Crouch


To provide an in-depth understanding of the regulation of the dental profession, highlighting the British Dental Association’s role in influencing the regulators and supporting the profession.

Learning objectives 

  • Explain the BDA’s role and strategies in assisting the profession on regulation
  • Discuss the BDA’s involvement in responding to consultations and the influence of the BDA in assuring appropriate regulation
  • Access and utilise information that may not be widely publicised.

Learning content

A lecture with an opportunity to ask questions to the speaker at the end.

Development outcomes: B, C

11:30 Improving the Fitness to Practice process for everyone – Theresa Thorp


To provide an overview of the GDC's Fitness to Practise (FtP) process and highlight recent improvements, future planned developments and challenges.

Learning objectives 

  • Provide a brief overview of the GDC’s FtP process-Highlight improvements in the FtP process in recent years
  • Discuss planned future improvements and challenges ahead
  • Understand ways of working collaboratively to support dental professionals involved in the FtP process.

Learning content

A lecture with an opportunity to ask questions to the speaker at the end.

Development outcomes: B, D

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Treatment planning for complex restorative cases - Karun Dewan

To understand the principles of ethical and evidence-based treatment planning in primary care.

Learning objectives

  • Clarify the stages of treatment planning including treatment goals
  • Discuss the relevant clinical guidelines
  • Discuss the impact of effective communication with laboratory technicians
  • Clarify when specialist opinion/referral to secondary care is indicated
  • Discuss outcomes of clinical cases and the rationale behind various treatment plans
  • Discuss long term treatment outcomes.

Learning content

A lecture with an opportunity to ask questions to the speaker at the end.

Development outcomes: A, C, D

14:30 Pick and mix - Mixed dentition problems - Sheena Kotecha


To provide an overview of problems in the mixed dentition.

Learning objectives

  • Discuss the presentation and management of poor prognosis first molars, impacted incisors, megadont teeth and infra-occluded deciduous molars.

Learning content

A lecture with an opportunity to ask questions to the speaker at the end.

Development outcomes: A, C, D

15:30 Afternoon break

16:00 Update on the management of adult dental trauma - How to avoid complaints – Naveen Karir


To improve the delegates ability to diagnose and manage dental trauma injuries in the adult patient.

Learning objectives

  • Describe how to diagnose the different types of dental trauma injuries effectively
  • Understand how to carry out immediate management for dental trauma injuries
  • Explain the potential long-term effects of dental trauma injuries and their managment.

Learning content

A lecture with an opportunity to ask questions to the speaker at the end.

Development outcomes: A, C

17:00 Summary and close

Hyatt Regency Birmingham, 2 Bridge Street
Birmingham B1 2JZ

Please email [email protected] with any dietary requirements.

​If you feel at all unwell, we encourage you to take a lateral flow test the evening before you are due to arrive - should your test result be positive, we ask you not to attend.

If your test is negative, but you do have symptoms of COVID-19 (a new, persistent cough; a high temperature; or loss/changes to your sense of taste or smell) we kindly request you consider not attending the event to mitigate any risk to other attendees.

Venue location

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Learn more about our Central Counties Branch and join the Central Counties Branch Facebook group

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