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IN-PERSON EVENT, hosted by the Exeter and District Section

What to expect

The dental sector has clearly changed over the past few years and patients demands have shifted in reaction to this as well. Are we as a profession shifting at the same rate or are we falling behind?

The need for private practice skills and excellence has never been greater and is rising exponentially and those that are proactive, keen to learn and willing to take the early steps for their career will not only excel but will also thrive with their future both clinically and ethically.

Look to get that work life balance with quality patients coming to see you and doing the dentistry you've always dreamed of doing but learning to do it properly, under mentorship and learning what skills you actually need in private practice.


18:30 Registration and refreshments

19:00 Lecture 

20:00 Q&A and end of lecture

20:15 Hot buffet and networking

21:00 Close

Learning objectives

  • Understand how the dental sector has changed and the current shift in patient demands
  • Determine who can step straight into private practice
  • Discuss what makes a good quality private dentist and why you can all learn to become one
  • Explain what skills are essential when stepping up from the NHS sector to private practice

Development outcomes


Meet the speaker

Ahmad Nounu 250X250 Ahmad Nounu Practice owner and Chair, BDA Western Branch and South West Young Dentists Group

Ahmad is an experienced restorative private practice dentist with 15 years experience clinically as well as mentoring associates in private practice for the past eight years. He is the owner or Black Swan Dental Spa which is a multi-award winning practice with FMC and has been the Chair for the BDA South West Young Dentist Group for the past eight years, hence why he has a huge passion for helping the future of UK dentistry excel through mentorship.

More information

Please email [email protected] with any dietary requirements.

Exeter Golf and Country Club, Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 7AE

If you feel at all unwell, we encourage you to take a lateral flow test the evening before you are due to arrive - should your test result be positive, we ask you not to attend.

If your test is negative, but you do have symptoms of COVID-19 (a new, persistent cough; a high temperature; or loss/changes to your sense of taste or smell) we kindly request you consider not attending the event to mitigate any risk to other attendees.

Venue Location

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Well organised and with a good speaker

Friendly atmosphere

I will look out for more BDA local events like this

Great social event, I enjoy it every time regardless of the subject!