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IN-PERSON EVENT, hosted by the Gloucestershire Section

What to expect

This lecture aims to improve knowledge of the mandatory training requirements with regards to Neurodiversity, Learning Disabilities and Autism, to understand what is meant by Learning Disabilities and what adjustments may need to be made when treating patients. 

Everyone working in the dental profession is welcome and encouraged to attend.

CQC requirement:

From 1 July 2022, all registered health and social care providers must ensure that their staff receive training in learning disability and autism, including how to interact appropriately with autistic people and people who have a learning disability. This should be at a level appropriate to their role.

This new legal requirement was introduced by the Health and Care Act 2022. It applies to:

  • all services and all settings, not just specialist services for people with a learning disability and autistic people, and not just the places where people live
  • all health and care staff as well as ancillary staff who may have contact with people with a learning disability and autistic people, such as administrative staff.


18:45 Registration and buffet

19:30 Lecture and Q&A - Samantha Paterson 

21:00 Finish

Learning objectives

  • Understand what Autism is and what is meant by ‘Learning Disability’ and all the different forms of Neurodiversity
  • Discuss the requirements for training on Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodiversity
  • Recognise what adjustments may be required when treating a patient with Autism
  • Clarify the term ‘Reasonable Adjustments’ and how these can be implemented within the dental practice
  • Describe the Equality Act 2010 and how it relates to those with a Learning Disability or Autism
  • Explore what are the requirements of CQC and the Health & Care Act 2022.

Development outcomes

A, C, D

Meet the speaker

Samantha Paterson Practice Support Consultant

More information

Please email [email protected] with any dietary requirements.

Would you be interested in getting involved in the Gloucestershire Section?

We are looking for enthusiastic members to join the Gloucestershire Section committee. A role on the committee is a great way to get involved in the BDA at a local level and to help provide and shape local educational and networking events. It’s also great to have on your CV!

A brief description of the different roles in a committee is available here

The Section has the support of the centrally-based Local Services team who are on hand to help and advise on any aspect of running the Section and planning events, no experience needed just your enthusiasm!

If interested, or for more information, please contact us at [email protected]

If you feel at all unwell, we encourage you to take a lateral flow test the evening before you are due to arrive - should your test result be positive, we ask you not to attend.

If your test is negative, but you do have symptoms of COVID-19 (a new, persistent cough; a high temperature; or loss/changes to your sense of taste or smell) we kindly request you consider not attending the event to mitigate any risk to other attendees.

Venue Location

Connect with us

Learn more about the Western Counties Branch and join the Western Counties Branch Facebook group.

I really enjoyed the event; it was my first. I liked the friendliness, food and venue

Always a great evening with varied topics to keep us on our toes and a chance to keep in touch with some local colleagues

Another excellent meeting organised by the BDA Gloucestershire Section