What to expect
This course will bring you up to date with the legislation concerning dental radiography and ensure you are aware of statutory responsibilities. Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2017 (IRMER) impose significant requirements for patient protection. Covering the principles of justification, optimisation and limitation this course satisfies both the IRMER regulations and core CPD requirements as recommended by the GDC.
Learning objectives
- Understand the principles of radiation physics
- Be aware of the risks of ionising radiation
- Understand the radiation doses in dental radiography and the factors affecting them
- Recognise the principles of radiation protection
- Be up to date on the statutory requirements, selection criteria and quality assurance
- Understand the various imaging modalities available including digital imaging and 3D (CBCT)
- Consider the principles of radiographic interpretation and problems which may occur.
Development outcomes
C and D