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This workshop was originally scheduled for Friday 6 June - but will now take place on Friday 20 June.

What to expect

Covering the essential do's and don'ts in record keeping.

This live workshop session explores current best practice for record keeping. The consequences of not keeping good records will be demonstrated.

What should we be recording? How can discussions be recorded? You will find out how to implement effective processes which can be followed, with confidence, by the whole dental team. 

Please note this is a live and interactive online event. It will not be recorded and it will not be possible to view on-demand afterwards. 

Learning objectives

  • Recognise why record keeping is necessary and what purpose it serves
  • Appreciate the challenges faced in making good records
  • Reflect on record keeping and standards for particular clinical disciplines such as periodontology, restorative care, oral surgery and pain appointments
  • Understand the limitations of templates and custom screens with record keeping.

Development outcomes

A, B and D

Meet the speakers

Len D'Cruz Len D'Cruz Head of Indemnity, BDA
Clare Lawrence Re Sized 250X250 Clare Lawrence Dento-legal Advisor, BDA

Len D'Cruz, GDP and Practice Owner, London and Head of Indemnity, BDA

Len is Head of BDA Indemnity, a general dental practitioner, foundation trainer and practice owner. He has 21 years’ experience as a dento-legal advisor supporting dentists with complaints, clinical and regulatory issues, and clinical negligence claims. He is lead lecturer at the University of Bedfordshire teaching on the MA in Dental Law and Ethics.

He has authored and co-authored two books: “Understanding NHS dentistry” and “Dental Law and Ethics” and has contributed legal and ethical content to a number of text books, journals and websites. He regularly shares his wisdom on NHS regulations and contract reform and has both dental and legal qualifications.

Clare Lawrence, Dento-legal Advisor, BDA

Clare has more than 20 years of experience as a dentist, working in both primary and secondary care. She became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons and gained her diploma in Conscious Sedation from Guys before joining the Oral Surgery specialist list in 2008.

Having worked in the dento‐legal field for the last eight years, she has continued her interest in the law and became a member of the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine, going on to complete the diploma in forensic medical science. Clare is committed to pursuing proper and fair outcomes for her dental colleagues in all manner of dental complaints, claims, regulatory and disciplinary processes and advice cases.