What to expect
This webinar, delivered by Chris Waith will look to answer the most commonly asked questions dentists ask each other on social media on the topic of oral surgery.
Chris has reviewed three common dental forums on Facebook and Instagram, looked through posts that involve oral surgery or one of the subjects around it. He has collated each post into topics, and will answer the top ten (ish) questions.
A CPD certificate (in the name of the purchaser) will be available to download once viewing of this online lecture has been completed. it is a recording of a webinar delivered in November 2024.
Learning objectives
- Understand the most common medical guidelines and accepted advice used in oral surgery (bisphosphonates, bleeding, heart surgery, MI/CVA, alcohol and steroids)
- Understand a simple framework of how to assess a radiograph/patient to judge difficulty
- Understand the red flags for patients who are difficult to anaesthetise and a framework to try and anaesthetise those patients
- Understand the general dental essential oral surgery kit and an outline of how we use it
- Discuss how to manage common post operative problems like dry socket, pain and bony sequestrum
- Understand how to handle ortho extractions- annoying upper 4s, imbrications and extra teeth.
Development outcome