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IN-PERSON EVENT, organised by the Ribble Section 

Blue bell

Please note: This event is now fully booked.

For any queries, please email [email protected]

What to expect

A day developing an understanding of the complications associated with fractured instruments and ledges in endodontic treatment and how they can be overcome.


09:15 Registration

17:00  Close

Learning objectives

  • Understand the causes and prevention of instrument fracture and ledge formation
  • Develop techniques for the removal or bypass of fractured files: Learn useful techniques for the successful removal of fractured instruments
  • Understand techniques for bypassing canal ledges
  • Evaluate clinical decision-making in complex cases: Assess the best approach for fractured files and ledged canals management.

Development outcomes

A, C and D

Meet the speakers

Tiago Pimentel Tiago Pimentel

Tiago graduated in Dental Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Coimbra in 2005. He further specialized in Endodontics, completing an MSc in 2016 and an MClinDent in 2020 at King’s College London. Registered with both the Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas (Portugal) and the General Dental Council, Tiago is an active member of several prestigious organizations, including the British Endodontic Society, the European Endodontic Society as a specialist member, and the Portuguese Endodontic Society. He is/was involved in supervising both undergraduate and postgraduate students in endodontics in several institutions in the UK and Portugal. Tiago has contributed book chapters to dental textbooks including “Endodontic Advances and Evidence-based Clinical Guidelines” and “Pitt Ford’s Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology”

More information

Please email [email protected] with any dietary requirements.

Would you be interested in getting involved in the Ribble Section?

We are looking for enthusiastic members to join the Ribble Section committee and the North Western Branch Council. A role on the committee is a great way to get involved in the BDA at a local level and to help provide and shape local educational and networking events. It’s also great to have on your CV!

A brief description of the different roles in a committee is available here.

The Section has the support of the centrally-based Local Services team who are on hand to help and advise on any aspect of running the Section and planning events.

If interested, or for more information, please contact Shalini Kanagasingam, Chair of the Ribble Section, on the day, or email us at [email protected]

09:15   Registration

09:30   Understand the causes and prevention of instrument fracture and techniques for the removal or bypass of fractured files

11:00   Refreshments

11:15   Hands-on workshop

12:30   Lunch

13:30   Understand the causes and prevention of ledges and techniques for bypassing canal ledges

14:30   Hands-on workshop

15:30   Refreshments

15:45   Hands-on workshop

17:00   Close

If you feel at all unwell, we encourage you to take a lateral flow test the evening before you are due to arrive - should your test result be positive, we ask you not to attend.

If your test is negative, but you do have symptoms of COVID-19 (a new, persistent cough; a high temperature; or loss/changes to your sense of taste or smell) we kindly request you consider not attending the event to mitigate any risk to other attendees.

University of Central Lancashire
Clinical Skills Suite (AL203),
Allen Building,
Adelphi Street
Preston PR1 2HE

Venue location

Connect with us

Learn more about our North Western Branch and join the North Western Branch Facebook Group

Thank you to the sponsors

Very engaging speaker, very good lecture

Everything was well organised, concise and understandable

Really informative and well structured