08:30 Registration, refreshments and exhibition
09:00 Welcome
09:05 Industry update and state of the market
- Background to the state of the UK economy in 2024
- An update of the current dental market
Tom King, Head of Policy and Research, BDA
09:15 A guide to preparing to set up a dental practice
- Finding the right premises – what to consider
- Which type of practice is right for you – NHS, mixed or private?
- Understand the stages and purpose of the purchase
- Ensure completion and post completion formalities are followed.
- Understanding what you need in place for opening day
Victoria Michell, Head of NHS and Business Team, BDA
10:00 Morning refreshments and exhibition
10:15 Business planning & accessing finance
- What moneylenders want to know and what they will want to see.
- The fundamental commercial considerations:
- Understanding the opportunity, competition and local demographic.
- Cashflow: considerations of what to invest in and when.
- Project management and planning: the key milestones.
- Recruitment: getting the right people on board.
- KPIs and ensuring you’re hitting the all-important targets underpinning your plan.
Andy McDougall and Anne-Marie Houston, Spot-on Business Planning
11:45 Why payment plans could work for you
- What are the benefits to a practice owner of using a payment plan provider
- Discussing how Flexiplan can help benefit your new practice
Kim Rimmer, Regional Relation Manager, Lloyd & Whyte
12:00 A guide to designing your practice
- Converting a non-dental building into a practice
- Discussing what equipment you need and how to lay it out
Chris Kriek, Equipment Sales Specialists, Henry Schein
12:30 Lunch and exhibition