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IN-PERSON EVENT, hosted by the Southern Counties Branch

What to expect​

The Southern Counties Branch study day 'Smile transformations - Causes, complexities and contemporary treatments' offers an excellent opportunity for dentists and their teams to connect, exchange insights, and learn about the functional causes for aesthetic treatments, the complexities and treatments. The event concludes with networking drinks, providing a relaxed environment to build professional relationships.

Topics and speakers include:

  • Aesthetic management of tooth wear ‘from composite to overdenture solutions’ - Dominic Hassall
  • Integrating masseter Botox into our dental consultations: Enhancing patient care and addressing common concern - Sally Rayment
  • Managing dental trauma cases in practice - Dipti Mehta
  • Non-surgical aesthetic treatment considerations for dental conditions - Hemani Gill
  • Optimising pink aesthetics - Riccardo Zambon and Elisa Agudo
  • Treatment planning ABC cases with functional and aesthetic considerations - Affan Saghir


08:30 Registration, refreshments and exhibition

09:00 Morning lectures

12:30 Lunch

13:00 Afternoon lectures

17:00 Networking drinks 

19:00 End

The full programme can be found under 'More information' below. 

Booking more than one place?

Please download the group booking form (word doc) or group booking form (PDF) and email it to [email protected]. Alternatively, you can call the Events team on 020 7563 4590 (Mon-Thurs 09:00-17:00).

Meet the speakers

Elisa Agudo 250X250 Elisa Agudo Registered Specialist in Periodontics, Elms Lea Dental Care, East Sussex
Hemani Gill 250X250 Hemani Gill Dentist and Practice owner, Envy Smile, London
Dominic Hassall Dominic Hassall Registered Specialist in Restorative, Prosthodontic, Periodontal and Endodontic Dentistry
Dipti Mehta 250 X 250 (2) Dipti Mehta Specialist and Consultant in Endodontics, North West London and Buckinghamshire
Sally Rayment 250X250 (1) Sally Rayment Restorative Dentist, The Implant Centre, Sussex
Affan Saghir 250X250 Affan Saghir Cosmetic Lead and Owner, Space Dental
Riccardo Zambon 191X191 Riccardo Zambon Registered Specialist in Periodontics, Elms Lea Dental Care, East Sussex

More information

Please email [email protected] with any dietary requirements.

Click here to view and download the event flyer and share with your colleagues. 

08:30  Registration, refreshments and exhibition time

09:00  Introduction and welcome

09:00  Optimising pink aesthetics with Riccardo Zambon and Elisa Agudo


To provide an understanding of the techniques and principles behind crown lengthening and gum grafts, highlighting their role in optimising pink aesthetics for restorative dental procedures, improving functional outcomes, and enhancing patient satisfaction.

Learning objectives

  • Understand the concept of biologic width, the anatomy of the gingival tissue and how it relates to aesthetic outcomes in restorative dentistry
  • Define crown lengthening and gum graft procedures, including their indications and contraindications
  • Identify the different types of gum grafts and their clinical applications
  • Understand the step-by-step process of performing crown lengthening
  • Discuss the various types of gum grafts used for aesthetic purposes.

Learning content

  • Understand the key principles and techniques of crown lengthening and gum grafting in optimising pink aesthetics
  • Explain the biological principles of gingival tissue healing
  • Describe the surgical procedures for crown lengthening and gum grafts
  • Understand the role of periodontics in a treatment plan to optimise pink aesthetics in conjunction with restorative dental treatments.

Development outcomes: A, B, C, D

10:00  Managing dental trauma in practice with Dipti Mehta


To improve confidence in managing dental trauma in general practice.        

Learning objectives

  • Discuss how to take a relevant trauma history and recognise the type of injury
  • Learn how to prioritise management and treatment plan appropriately
  • Understand trauma management protocols
  • Understand what you can manage in practice and what you should refer out.

Learning content

This case-based lecture will discuss the various types of dental trauma encountered by clinicians for both adults and children. We will go through the pulpal and periodontal effects of the injuries and describe how these impact our management protocols and prognoses. The cases will illustrate when we should intervene and when monitoring is more appropriate, highlighting the decision-making challenges.

Development outcome: C

11:00  Morning break and exhibition time

11:30  Aesthetic management of tooth wear ‘from composite to overdenture solutions’ with Dominic Hassell


To consider the use of composite, ceramic and overdentures in the aesthetic rehabilitation of tooth wear. Risk based diagnosis, treatment planning and appropriate technique selection will be considered as the keys to long term success.

Learning objectives

  • Identify risk factors that may compromise the longevity of aesthetic treatments for tooth wear
  • Appreciate modern composite techniques in terms of tooth conditioning principles, composite heating, matrix selection and biomechanical considerations
  • Understand contemporary high strength ceramics and their role in the aesthetic rehabilitation of tooth wear
  • Identity the role of the overdenture in the aesthetic rehabilitation of severe tooth wear and keys to clinical success
  • Evaluate clinical choices in the light of risk factors and patient aspirations.

Learning content

Content will be developed using the contemporary evidence base, clinical discussions and clinical experience.

Development outcomes: A, B, C, D

12:30  Lunch and exhibition time

13:30  Integrating masseter Botox into our dental consultations: Enhancing patient care and addressing common concerns with Sally Rayment


To develop an understanding of how masseteric Botox can help your patients with various dental concerns, how to discuss the benefits with your patients, including prevention of future dental work failure, and treatment execution, including case selection, consultation and post-operative follow-up.

Learning objectives

  • Describe the anatomy of the masseter
  • Identify indications for treatment and demonstrate how to consult with patients
  • Explain the mechanism of action of Botox
  • Demonstrate techniques for administering masseter Botox
  • Evaluate potential side effects and risks
  • Implement post-treatment care and assess expected results
  • Analyse ethical and legal considerations.

Learning content

  • Overview of botulinum toxin as a neuromodulator
  • Overview of masseter muscle: Location, function, and anatomy
  • Why use in dentistry? Introduction to the concept of using Botox for dental procedures and treatments
  • Case studies to illustrate the clinical relevance and impact this treatment can have for our patients, backed up by research evidence.

Development outcome: C

14:30 Non-surgical aesthetic treatment considerations for dental conditions with Hemani Gill


To understand the role of non-surgical aesthetic treatments in managing dental conditions and identify common dental conditions and provide a holistic approach to their treatment.

Learning objectives

  • Identify and diagnose common dental conditions
  • Learn how to integrate non-surgical aesthetic treatments into holistic dental care
  • Understand the GDC scope of practice and training/indemnity requirements for aesthetic procedures
  • Evaluate the associated risks and benefits of non-surgical aesthetic treatments in dentistry.

Learning content

This course covers why dentists are suited to providing non-surgical treatments, including scope of practice, training, and indemnity. Topics include hyaluronic acid (HA), Botox (BTX), treatment options, and their constituents. It explores conditions like gingival recession, facial asymmetries, and malocclusions. Consultation, consent, risks, safety, and ethical advertising are also covered.

Development outcomes: A, C, D

15:30  Afternoon break and exhibition time

16:00 Treatment planning ABC cases with functional and aesthetic considerations with Affan Saghir


To provide a comprehensive understanding of the ABC Smile Makeover, including the aesthetic and functional considerations, treatment planning through case review, and strategies for a growth mindset and planning next steps for the future.

Learning objectives

  • Define the key principles of the ABC Smile Makeover
  • Analyse the aesthetic and functional considerations for a Smile Makeover
  • Review a case example to provide a greater understanding of treatment planning
  • Develop an action plan for fostering a growth mindset in clinical practice.

Learning content

A lecture with an opportunity to ask questions to the speaker at the end.

Development outcomes: C, D 

17:00  Networking drinks reception

Click here to download the programme. 

​If you feel at all unwell, we encourage you to take a lateral flow test the evening before you are due to arrive - should your test result be positive, we ask you not to attend.

If your test is negative, but you do have symptoms of COVID-19 (a new, persistent cough; a high temperature; or loss/changes to your sense of taste or smell) we kindly request you consider not attending the event to mitigate any risk to other attendees.

Venue location

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Really well organised and delivered - excellent and enjoyable day!

Engaging, top quality speakers, such a brilliant course with so much knowledge

A fabulous day with well thought out presentations for GDPs