Access core CPD
Earn GDC-recommended CPD at a time and place that suits you - free for all members
A commitment to life-long learning
Being a regulated professional means committing to continual professional development. There are certain topics the GDC recommends that dental professionals focus on as part of their personal development plans.
These topics are now available to all dentist members.
Core CPD on-demand: Learning whenever you want
Available to earn whenever you’re ready, there’s 26 hours of ‘core’ or GDC-recommended CPD pulled together in a 'meta-course' at your disposal. Add this to the 70 hours of CPD available through the BDJ Portfolio and you’re well on your way to meeting your commitments.
Head on over to the CPD Hub on your chosen device (website login required), where you can track and manage your completed learning.
As a BDA member, you have immediate access to this service, just look for Core CPD on-demand on your dashboard or in 'All courses'.
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