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The BDA Library is currently closed to visitors whilst we move the collection into storage and prepare for our space at the new BDA premises. Please note that we will continue to provide our library loans, document supply and all of our other services throughout this period, although it may take slightly longer to facilitate requests.

All members, Essential and upwards, have full access to the BDA library, either remotely or by visiting us in person on Wimpole Street.

UK and Ireland Essential members and upwards can borrow up to ten physical items at any one time. Student members can borrow up to three physical items. 

Overseas members have access to our full range of services, except physical loans.

Not a member? Join today!

Browse, access and reserve items

We are constantly expanding our online catalogue, which members can use to search for and access online items such as our eBooks, as well as reserve items for physical loans. Members can also search for references to articles in various journals not indexed on Medline, including BDA News, and manage their borrower record.

Registering with the library

To use the online catalogue, our library staff will need to register you as a user. Please contact them via the link below to sign up.

Virtual loans

Our online catalogue allows members to browse all the resources we offer, apart from full text journal articles; however, it holds a record of journal article refences.

Members can access our Journals and eJournals offer via this website (please note that you need to be logged in to view all details).

Physical loans

Members can reserve hard copies of items through the online catalogue, and subsequently contact the library to arrange for them to be posted out free of charge anywhere in the UK. This includes physical loans of our eBooks selection.

Return items by post to: BDA Library, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8YS, or in person. There is a drop box at the top of the steps outside the building for when we are closed. 

Visiting the library

The BDA Library is currently closed to visitors whilst we move the collection into storage and prepare for our space at the new BDA premises. Please note that we will continue to provide our library loans, document supply and all of our other services throughout this period, although it may take slightly longer to facilitate requests.