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IN-PERSON EVENT, hosted by the Central Counties Branch

What to expect

Enjoy refreshments at 18:30 before the Branch Council meet at 19:00. At 20:00, BDA members can participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to elect the Branch President for 2025.

Open to BDA members only.


18:30 Refreshments 

19:00 Branch Council Meeting

20:00 Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) 

20:30 Networking

21:30 End

More information

​If you feel at all unwell, we encourage you to take a lateral flow test the evening before you are due to arrive - should your test result be positive, we ask you not to attend.

If your test is negative, but you do have symptoms of COVID-19 (a new, persistent cough; a high temperature; or loss/changes to your sense of taste or smell) we kindly request you consider not attending the event to mitigate any risk to other attendees.

Please email [email protected] with any dietary requirements.

Harborne Golf Club, 40 Tennal Road, Birmingham B32 2JE

Venue location

Connect with us

Learn more about our Central Counties Branch and join the Central Counties Branch Facebook group