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IN-PERSON EVENT, hosted by the East Midland Branch

What to expect

Eddie Crouch will provide a valuable opportunity to gain insights into the latest developments in dentistry and the evolving political landscape affecting the profession.


18:30 Registration and Indian Buffet 

19:30 Lecture - Eddie Crouch 

21:30 Close

Learning objectives

  • Understand how the BDA are acting on behalf of the profession
  • Understand the current political landscape for dentistry
  • Have an assessment of the challenges ahead.

Development outcomes


Meet the speaker

Eddie Crouch Eddie Crouch Chair, British Dental Association

Eddie was elected as Chair of the BDA Board in September 2020. Before that, he served as Deputy Chair between 2014 and 2020.

He was Secretary of Birmingham Local Dental Committee for over ten years and was also Chair.

He qualified in 1984 from Kings and provided Orthodontic Care for patients in South Birmingham for over 20 years, having previously provided general dentistry

In the past, he has chaired the Annual Conference of LDCs and the West Midlands Association of LDCs, held the post of President of the Central Counties Branch and served on the GDPC Committee for over ten years.

More information

Please email [email protected] with any dietary requirements.

Download the event flyer as a pdf file here and share it with your colleagues

Chutney Ivy, 41 Halford Street, Leicester LE1 1TR

There is an NCP multistorey carpark opposite the venue. Full price for parking for the evening would be £11.80, however tickets can then be validated at the venue so the money will be refunded to you. 

Venue location

Connect with us

Learn more about our East Midland Branch and join the East Midland Branch facebook group. 


The chance to update my knowledge and network with colleagues

It was well organised and the topic of discussion very relevant

Excellent venue and a great speaker. It was nice to have a face-to-face meeting.