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IN-PERSON EVENT, hosted by the Hospitals Group West Midlands Division

What to expect

This annual Ivor Whitehead Prize Presentation Day invites junior staff to present on local projects, audits and research covering a variety of topics across multiple dental specialties. A guest speaker, Lesley Allen, Library Services Manager, will discuss ‘Health literacy – can we improve?

Refreshments and light/cold buffet lunch.


09:00 Registration

09:30 Introduction and welcome

09:40 Presentations

10:40 Break - refreshments

11:00 Presentations

11:45 Health Literacy – can we improve? - Lesley Allen

12:30 Lunch

13:00 Close

Learning objectives

  • What is health literacy?
  • The impact of low health literacy on patients and the services they encounter and use
  • An update on West Midlands hospital projects including clinical cases and quality improvement initiatives covering all hospital specialties.

Development outcomes

A, B, C and D


We welcome applications from all regional resident staff (DCTs, StRs and early career SAS) who wish to present for the Ivor Whitehead Prize. Topics could include audit, research and case reports.

Please send expressions of interest to the secretary Phillip Eburne 

Closing date for abstracts Friday 28 February 2025

Meet the speaker

Lesley Allen250x250 Lesley Allen Library Services Manager

Lesley Allen is a library services manager based at Smallwood Library at Moseley Hall Hospital who has worked in the NHS for 36 years across acute, public health and primary care trusts before working in Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust. Interest in health literacy began in 2019 when she first had training and it has grown since then. In Lesley’s words “we can make such a difference to the patients and relatives we meet by making small changes to the way in which we communicate. Simple but powerful!”

More information

Please email [email protected] with any dietary requirements.

Full programme will be available closer to the event.

If you feel at all unwell, we encourage you to take a lateral flow test the evening before you are due to arrive - should your test result be positive, we ask you not to attend.

If your test is negative, but you do have symptoms of COVID-19 (a new, persistent cough; a high temperature; or loss/changes to your sense of taste or smell) we kindly request you consider not attending the event to mitigate any risk to other attendees.

Lecture Theatre 2

Birmingham Dental Hospital and School of Dentistry

5 Mill Pool Way

Birmingham B5 7EG

Venue location

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High quality presentations across a range of subjects, extremely enjoyable and informative

The opportunity to present in a non-judgemental and familiar environment

Seeing other presentations and achievements