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Asylum seekers and refugee dentist membership

Asylum seeker and refugee membership is available for free until the applicant receives GDC registration.

This membership gives dentists who are refugees or asylum seekers in the UK all the benefits of Essential membership with the exception of voting rights. 

To qualify for this membership, you must have applied for or been awarded Asylum Seeker or Refugee status. You will not be currently working as a dentist, but you will be actively working towards registering as a dentist with the General Dental Council. 

You must also provide: 

  • A copy of your original dental qualification
  • Evidence of your Asylum Seeker or Refugee status, including your ILR (Indefinite leave to remain)
  • A letter of good standing from your home dental association (if available).
BDA member benefit

Advice for overseas-qualified dentists

As members, overseas-qualified dentists can gain information on GDC registration processes and find resources that will be important for their future practising life.
Overseas Advice Placeholder Promo
Frequently asked questions

Membership FAQs

Find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about BDA membership.
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