The event has been tailored to Community Dentists to provide five hours of verifiable CPD on a number of topics, including the treatment of diabetic patients, the treatment of bariatric patients, an update in restorative dental materials and an update on the Encompass programme.
This is the perfect setting for Community Dentists to connect and network with colleagues. The Northern Ireland CDS Division can often be quite isolated, as members often have to travel across the UK to attend CDS specific events. Holding in-person local events is vital to ensure that local CDS staff can participate without the worry of taking extended time out of their clinics or the soaring costs of travel.
The series of talks planned for the CDS Study Day will help CDS dental staff to:
- Understand the relationship between diabetes and oral health and learn how diabetes technology improves lives
- Improve their knowledge and confidence in managing bariatric patients
- Be aware of contemporary restorative materials available for Community Dentists
- Be more aware of the benefits of introducing the Encompass system.
The discussion will be delivered in the form of lectures from experienced speakers:
Diminika Antoniszczak, with a MSc in Diabetes Practice at Swansea University, her research interest focuses on the relationship between oral health and diabetes.
Kathryn McKenna, she obtained her Diploma of Special Care Dentistry from the RSCEng and Membership in Special Care Dentistry from RCPS Glasgow. Currently, she works as a Locum Consultant in Special Care Dentistry and Clinical Lead for Community Dental Services in the BHSCT.
Jill Butler, while working as a part-time General Practitioner, she is a Clinical Teaching Fellow at Queen’s University Belfast and module co-ordinator for Restorative Dental Materials for the undergraduate BDS course with an interest in Dental Materials.
John Finnerty, a BDA Accredited Representative and currently sitting as the Vice-Chairman on the Northern Ireland Community Dental Services Committee. He also sits on the Executive Committee of the Irish Society for Disability and Oral Health and is currently also Co-chair for the Dental Regional Encompass Team.
The event is kindly sponsored by Colgate. You can register to secure your place. However, as a GDC member you can also use their online system. If you are looking to book spots for multiple people you can fill the booking form (PDF version) or booking form (word version) and return it via email to [email protected]. For any enquiries or to book over the phone call the Events team on 020 7563 4590 (open Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00).