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England: Tie-ins won’t halt exodus from service

‘Tying-in’ inexperienced younger dentists will never compensate for the ongoing losses of older, experienced colleagues fuelled by the discredited NHS contract

We are very clear that ‘tying-in’ inexperienced younger dentists will never compensate for the ongoing losses of older, experienced colleagues fuelled by the discredited NHS contract.

The Government is now seeking views on their proposals to make dental graduates complete a number of years working in the NHS, including the possibility of making them repay some of the costs of their education if they do not.

The Health and Social Care Committee stressed in its damning inquiry into NHS dentistry that the success of any tie-in hinges on “fundamental contract reform.” The target-based system is fuelling the current workforce crisis, and the Government has rejected any meaningful break from it.

Our recent poll of high street dentists in England showed just 3% thought the plan would result in their practice seeing more NHS patients. 43% believed the plan would lead to their practice seeing fewer NHS patients. Only 1% of respondents believed the plan could meet the Government’s stated objective to provide NHS dental care to ‘all who need it’.

Will this plan make a difference? Almost all UK graduates start their careers working in the NHS, meaning any gains in access would be negligible. Given the eye-watering levels of debt facing dental students, optional schemes based on loan forgiveness would likely form a much more effective basis for keeping young dentists in the NHS workforce long term.

“Government plans to shackle graduates to a service facing collapse. It should be asking why experienced colleagues are walking away,” says Eddie Crouch.

“A failed contract is pushing away talent every day it remains in force. Patients need NHS dentistry to be a place dentists would choose to work. That requires real reform, not mere tweaks, carrots and not just sticks.”

We will be reaching out to members to ensure their views are captured in our response.