The response published last week recognised the need for all eligible consultants to be able to apply for awards. These awards will now focus on clinical impact, and therefore be called the National Clinical Impact Awards.
Two key themes of the review were looking at ways to encourage wider participation from under-represented groups and simplify the process for both consultants and employers. Changes include:
- Employers will still need to approve awards but not score or rank consultant applications
- Awards will be held for 5 years without an annual renewal, but will be non-pensionable and non-consolidated
- There will be three level of awards
- A new fifth domain has been added to allow applicants to demonstrate a "national impact from other unremunerated activities or where they have delivered impact over and above expectations"
- Those in less than full time (LTFT) roles will not have their post 2022 award pro-rated.
More detail is expected to be published in advance of the 2022 round opening in the spring.
We remain a nominating body and will consider applications for support from members, based on their contribution to the Association and its local or national activities. We would encourage all eligible consultants to consider applying, whether you seek support from us or not.