Our workforce is in crisis: the whole-time equivalent of employed community dentists has remained largely static over the last six years and compounded with this, a worrying number are approaching retirement. We are concerned our most vulnerable patients are going to be left with no access, and it is time for action.
The starting gun has been fired. At our recent meeting with the Health Minister, we’ve said a rapid analysis needs to be done to assess the shortfall in capacity and the future need.
We’ve heard warm words, but we’ve failed to see any growth for the CDS. Our members are reporting falling morale and increasing levels of stress: 40% of our survey respondents said they feel they cannot cope with the current level of stress in their job.
We urgently need a workforce plan that is fit for the future and will continue to push Ministers for this. The CDS workforce cannot continue as it has, it is time for change.
Read the full letter from Ann McAreavey, Chair of NICDC, to Michael Donaldson SPPG