Unlike the temporary payment arrangements during the pandemic, these payments will be made according to the method set out in the Statement of Dental Remuneration (SDR), Determination X, paragraph 3.
Practices must notify the Business Services Organisation (BSO) of the name of the dentist who should receive the allowance. The allowance will then be paid automatically, without claim, to the designated dentist on behalf of all the dentists at the practice.
It's important to note that where a practice has previously claimed a practice allowance the designated dentist is deemed to be the same as the dentist who previously received the allowance, unless otherwise stated to the BSO. If a practice has not advised the BSO of the designated dentist by the end of a financial year, then the allowance for that year will not be paid.
The designated dentist should ensure that the conditions of entitlement as set out in the SDR Determination X are met. The BSO will make the first 2022/23 practice allowance payment in November 2022.