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Scotland: No complacency over future of NHS dentistry

Payment reform represents progress but is not final destination for NHS dentistry in Scotland.

Vital feedback from the frontline has shaped an open letter we’ve sent to the Scottish Government, stressing that it must show willing to build on the reforms that rolled out last November, and to double down on policies to ease the workforce crisis in the NHS in Scotland.

Our latest poll shows 66% (two-thirds) of respondents said the new system represents an improvement on the previous model, but 88% (9 in 10) said this cannot be the end of the road for reform. We also asked if the changes have made your practices more financially sustainable – 31% said no, 26% said the changes have and nearly half did not give an opinion.

Respondents were clear reforms fell short on access, inequalities, and prevention.

Just over a year ago our Scottish Dental Practice Committee and the Scottish Government entered formal negotiations on the new fee structure and Payment Reform. This moved at pace within a challenging fiscal environment. The previous funding model was unsustainable, as surging costs had left dental practices delivering some NHS care at a financial loss.

Our thanks to members for sharing their perspective from the frontline. We will continue to call on the Scottish Government to keep its promises and ensure the service is a place which can recruit and retain talent.