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Share your comments on revised Winter Respiratory IPC guidance

Dental teams across Scotland are invited to comment on the final draft Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection (ARHAI) Winter Respiratory IPC addendum.

The final draft of Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection (ARHAI) Winter Respiratory IPC addendum follows the significant feedback from dental stakeholders to the initial ARHAI consultation on winter respiratory guidance, which ARHAI have sought to reflect in this latest draft. This includes:

Dental specific sections – guidance specific to dental settings or particular services within dental settings are highlighted in lilac.
Some additional wording highlighted in yellow which is in response to stakeholder feedback since the previous document was issued last month.

The Scottish guidance will be published on 29 November. The publication date for the UK guidance is not yet clear and it is possible that it will be after 29 November. Should this be the case, once the UK guidance is published, ARHAI will review their guidance to ensure it is as closely aligned as possible.