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Understanding and confronting sexual harassment at work

Research shows that sexual harassment is a widespread problem in the workplace.

It is vital to understand what constitutes as sexual harassment and how it can be eliminated. It is defined as any unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature that violates someone’s dignity, even unintentionally, and anyone can be a victim.

We have developed a new course outlining the practical steps you can take to tackle the problem and enact cultural change. The course examines the nature of sexual harassment in the workplace, and the impact it can have on employers and staff.

Our course explains the causes and dynamics of this behaviour, the impact it can have on individuals and organisations, intervention strategies for victims and bystanders, and knowledge on how to respond if you are on the receiving end of unwanted sexual advances.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is against the law, we have explored methods of prevention and how to navigate formal complaints in our recent blog.