Monday 24 Feb 2025
Unity across dentistry in calls for registrant to chair GDC
Professional bodies and specialist societies have come together to sign an open letter calling for the next General Dental Council chair to be a registrant.
We provide a local point of contact for BDA members living and working in Northern Ireland, as well as providing strategic support and policy advice to BDA committees in Northern Ireland.
The BDA and its elected committees seek to improve conditions for the delivery of dental services across Northern Ireland, negotiating with elected representatives and government bodies, as well as influencing other key-decision makers, including educational institutions and non-statutory organisations.
In Northern Ireland we have found a dichotomy between dentists enjoying significant growth in private earnings and those for whom NHS dentistry is increasingly failing to generate sustainable returns. We look to the Government to establish a model of care that properly incentivises NHS care.
We are calling on the Government to:
Dentists working in Northern Ireland are represented through the
Northern Ireland also holds one seat on the Principal Executive Committee (PEC), which sets our policy and strategic direction.
Tristen Kelso - National Director, BDA Northern Ireland
Julie Williams-Nash - Senior Policy Advisor
Johan Warwick - Committee and Administration Support Officer
Alan Pitcaithley - Practice Management Consultant for Scotland and Northern Ireland
David Paul - Employment Relations Officer
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BDA Northern Ireland has an active Branch which run regular events, most of which are free for members. Our Northern Ireland branch programme covers all of the events coming up this Autumn.