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About our work

The BDA Scotland and its elected committee members seek to improve conditions for the delivery of dental services across Scotland, negotiating directly with the Scottish Government. We also seek to influence other key-decision makers, including educational institutions, political parties and statutory and non-statutory organisations.

Our committees meet regularly to consider the issues affecting the dental profession and patient care. BDA representatives take these issues forward into discussion and negotiation with the Scottish Government and the range of bodies responsible for delivery of health and social care.

National priorities

In Scotland, dentistry is at a crossroads and the profession needs assurance that the future of NHS dentistry is a priority to the Scottish Government.

We are calling on the Government to:

  • Ensure NHS dentistry remains sustainable
  • Address the backlog of unmet dental care needs
  • Promote prevention to help tackle oral health inequalities
  • Improve access for vulnerable groups
  • Integrate oral health with wider public health priorities.

Committee representation

Dentists working in Scotland are represented through the

Scotland also holds one seat on the Principal Executive Committee (PEC), which sets our policy and strategic direction.

Staff based in Scotland​​

Charlotte Waite - ​BDA Scotland National Director

​Elaine Bruce - Policy Officer

Kirsten Phillips - Policy Advisor

David Paul​ - Employment Relations Officer

Alan Pitcaithley - Practice Management Consultant for Scotland and Northern Ireland

Stay in touch 

Members: If you'd like to be kept informed about developments make sure your contact details are up-to-date on your My BDA account and tick the boxes 'News & campaigns' and 'Member newsletters' under 'Communication preferences' to get latest news updates.

Not a member? Create a BDA account and join the 'News & campaigns' list for all the latest updates.

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Upcoming events 

BDA Scotland has active branches and sections which run regular events, most of which are free for members.