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About our work

The BDA and its elected committees seek to improve conditions for the delivery of dental services across Wales, negotiating with elected representatives and Government bodies, as well as influencing other key-decision makers, including educational institutions and non-statutory organisations.

National priorities

In Wales, we have identified that access for new patients is the worst in the UK, having a significant impact on oral health across the nation. We need contract reform that fairly remunerates practices, dentists, and Dental Care Professionals and keeps pace with inflation in the future.

We are calling on the Government to:

  • Understand the scale of the service problem and monitor future remedies
  • Collect PCR centrally via Local Health Boards and restructure it into a simplified fee
  • Account for the changing demography in Wales and future population requirements
  • Deliver a Dental Workforce Plan, including an evidence-based review
  • Invest more funding into community intervention programmes
  • Balance Community Dental Service pressures with additional investment.

Committee representation

Dentists working in Wales are represented through the

Wales also holds one seat on the Principal Executive Committee (PEC), which sets our policy and strategic direction.

Staff based in ​Wales​​

​Caroline Seddon​ - ​BDA Wales National Director

​Alun McLean  - ​Employment Relations Officer

​Andrea Greatrex - Salaried Groups Support Officer​

​Christie Owen - Policy and Committee Officer

Our staff in Wales are homeworkers but correspondence can be forwarded to our Head Office.

Stay in touch

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Upcoming events

BDA Wales has active branches and sections which run regular events, most of which are free for members.