Health and wellbeing
Almost half of dentists claim stress in their job exceeds their ability to cope. We cannot go on this way.
The problem
Stress and burnout is endemic, with almost a fifth of dentists experiencing suicidal feelings. Post COVID things look set to deteriorate, as the workforce struggles to return to 'business as usual' while working to systems that are unfit for purpose.
The solution
We believe prevention is better than cure. We seek changes to failed contracts that are devastating morale and fuelling mental health problems. But those who are suffering need support. We believe all dentists deserve access to occupational health programmes. We have fought for access to schemes on the same terms as medical colleagues.
Our impact
Supporting you through periods of stress or burnout is an important part of what we do. All our members have access to tools to help deal with personal and professional challenges.
Tools and support
Our members have access to Health Assured, a confidential service designed to help you deal with personal and professional problems that are affecting your wellbeing. Members can access the helpline 24/7, 365 days a year.
Free to all members
Confidential counselling and emotional support