6 days ago
England: DFT service costs uplifted for first time in a decade
Service costs payments to practices providing Dental Foundation Training (DFT) have been uplifted for the first time in a decade, as a result of our determined campaigning.
We provide a local point of contact for BDA members living and working in England, as well as providing strategic support and policy advice.
The BDA and its elected committees seek to improve conditions for the delivery of dental services across England, negotiating with elected representatives and Government bodies, as well as influencing other key-decision makers.
In England, NHS delivery is down, dentists are disillusioned and are voting with their feet, by leaving the NHS or reducing their NHS commitment. There is an urgent need for a long term fix to the Units of Dental Activity system and support for practices looking to shift the balance of care.
We are calling on the Government to:
Dentists working in England are represented through the
England also holds nine seats on the Principal Executive Committee (PEC), which sets our policy and strategic direction.
BDA England has active branches and sections which run regular events, most of which are free for members.
Members: If you'd like to be kept informed about developments make sure your contact details are up-to-date on your My BDA account and tick the boxes 'News & campaigns' and 'Member newsletters' under 'Communication preferences' to get latest news updates.
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