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After months of campaigning and negotiating, and following the decisive rejection of an initial pay offer from government in February 2024, SAS doctors and dentists have now voted to accept a revised offer from government.

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Following the BMA and BDA’s decisive rejection of the Government’s initial offer for SAS doctors and dentists in February 2024, a new pay offer was been put forward by government. Both the BMA and BDA ran a referendum on the offer, which closed on 14 June.

The results of both the BMA and BDA referendums indicated a decisive endorsement of the revised offer, with 79.3% of BMA SAS members, and 79% of BDA SAS members voting in favour of the deal.

Informed by these results, the BMA SAS UK Committee has formally accepted the Government’s offer.

The headlines of the offer include an increase of between 9.5-19.4% since 2022/23 for SAS doctors on open contracts. It also includes a consolidated uplift of £1400 to each pay point for SAS doctors on closed contracts on top of the 6% awarded from the DDRB for 2023/24.

Moreover, the non-pay aspects of the offer include measures to promote job security and improve contracts for locally employed doctors, as well as measures to facilitate SAS doctors’ and dentists’ prospects for career progression.

A detailed overview of the offer can be found on the BMA’s website.

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